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Package: Zend_Service_Amazon\Ec2
An Amazon EC2 interface to register, describe and deregister Amamzon Machine Instances (AMI)
\Zend_Service_Amazon_Ec2_Abstract < \Zend_Service_Amazon_Abstract < \Zend_Service_Abstract
Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (  
New BSD License  


methodpublicderegister(string $imageId) : boolean

Deregisters an AMI. Once deregistered, instances of the AMI can no longer be launched.


Unique ID of a machine image, returned by a call to RegisterImage or DescribeImages.

methodpublicdescribe(string | array $imageId = null, string | array $owner = null, string | array $executableBy = null) : array

Returns information about AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs available to the user.

Information returned includes image type, product codes, architecture, and kernel and RAM disk IDs. Images available to the user include public images available for any user to launch, private images owned by the user making the request, and private images owned by other users for which the user has explicit launch permissions. Launch permissions fall into three categories: public: The owner of the AMI granted launch permissions for the AMI to the all group. All users have launch permissions for these AMIs. explicit: The owner of the AMI granted launch permissions to a specific user. implicit: A user has implicit launch permissions for all AMIs he or she owns. The list of AMIs returned can be modified by specifying AMI IDs, AMI owners, or users with launch permissions. If no options are specified, Amazon EC2 returns all AMIs for which the user has launch permissions. If you specify one or more AMI IDs, only AMIs that have the specified IDs are returned. If you specify an invalid AMI ID, a fault is returned. If you specify an AMI ID for which you do not have access, it will not be included in the returned results. If you specify one or more AMI owners, only AMIs from the specified owners and for which you have access are returned. The results can include the account IDs of the specified owners, amazon for AMIs owned by Amazon or self for AMIs that you own. If you specify a list of executable users, only users that have launch permissions for the AMIs are returned. You can specify account IDs (if you own the AMI(s)), self for AMIs for which you own or have explicit permissions, or all for public AMIs.
$imageIdstring | array

A list of image descriptions

$ownerstring | array

Owners of AMIs to describe.

$executableBystring | array

AMIs for which specified users have access.

methodpublicdescribeAttribute(string $imageId, string $attribute) : void

Returns information about an attribute of an AMI. Only one attribute can be specified per call.


ID of the AMI for which an attribute will be described.


Specifies the attribute to describe. Valid Attributes are launchPermission, productCodes

methodpublicmodifyAttribute(string $imageId, string $attribute, string $operationType = 'add', string | array $userId = null, string | array $userGroup = null, string $productCode = null) : boolean

Modifies an attribute of an AMI.

Valid Attributes: launchPermission: Controls who has permission to launch the AMI. Launch permissions can be granted to specific users by adding userIds. To make the AMI public, add the all group. productCodes: Associates a product code with AMIs. This allows developers to charge users for using AMIs. The user must be signed up for the product before they can launch the AMI. This is a write once attribute; after it is set, it cannot be changed or removed.

AMI ID to modify.


Specifies the attribute to modify. See the preceding attributes table for supported attributes.


Specifies the operation to perform on the attribute. See the preceding attributes table for supported operations for attributes. Valid Values: add | remove Required for launchPermssion Attribute

$userIdstring | array

User IDs to add to or remove from the launchPermission attribute. Required for launchPermssion Attribute

$userGroupstring | array

User groups to add to or remove from the launchPermission attribute. Currently, the all group is available, which will make it a public AMI. Required for launchPermssion Attribute


Attaches a product code to the AMI. Currently only one product code can be associated with an AMI. Once set, the product code cannot be changed or reset. Required for productCodes Attribute

methodpublicregister(string $imageLocation) : string

Registers an AMI with Amazon EC2. Images must be registered before they can be launched.

Each AMI is associated with an unique ID which is provided by the Amazon EC2 service through the RegisterImage operation. During registration, Amazon EC2 retrieves the specified image manifest from Amazon S3 and verifies that the image is owned by the user registering the image. The image manifest is retrieved once and stored within the Amazon EC2. Any modifications to an image in Amazon S3 invalidates this registration. If you make changes to an image, deregister the previous image and register the new image. For more information, see DeregisterImage.

Full path to your AMI manifest in Amazon S3 storage.

stringThe ami fro the newly registred image;
methodpublicresetAttribute(string $imageId, String $attribute) : boolean

Resets an attribute of an AMI to its default value. The productCodes attribute cannot be reset


ID of the AMI for which an attribute will be reset.


Specifies the attribute to reset. Currently, only launchPermission is supported. In the case of launchPermission, all public and explicit launch permissions for the AMI are revoked.

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