- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License
- Package
- Zend_Form
- Implements
- Children
- \Zend_Dojo_Form
- \Zend_Form_SubForm
- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License
- Version
- $Id$

string $_defaultDisplayGroupClass = 'Zend_Form_DisplayGroup'
Details- Type
- string

bool $_disableLoadDefaultDecorators = false
Details- Type
- bool

array $_displayGroupPrefixPaths = array()
Details- Type
- array

array $_displayGroups = array()
Details- Type
- array

array $_elementPrefixPaths = array()
Details- Type
- array

bool $_errorsForced = false
Details- Type
- bool

bool $_isArray = false
Details- Type
- bool

array $_methods = array('delete', 'get', 'post', 'put')
array('delete', 'get', 'post', 'put')
Details- Type
- array

array $_order = array()
Details- Type
- array

bool $_orderUpdated = false
Details- Type
- bool

\Zend_Translate $_translatorDefault
- Type
- \Zend_Translate

__call(string $method, array $args) : string
Overloading: allow rendering specific decorators
Name | Type | Description |
$method | string | |
$args | array |
Type | Description |
string |
Exception | Description |
\Zend_Form_Exception | for invalid decorator or invalid method call |

__construct(mixed $options = null) : void
Name | Type | Description |
$options | mixed |

__get(string $name) : \Zend_Form_Element | \Zend_Form | null
Overloading: access to elements, form groups, and display groups
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form_Element | \Zend_Form | null |

__isset(string $name) : boolean
Overloading: access to elements, form groups, and display groups
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
boolean |

__set(string $name, \Zend_Form_Element | \Zend_Form $value) : void
Overloading: access to elements, form groups, and display groups
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string | |
$value | \Zend_Form_Element | \Zend_Form |
Exception | Description |
\Zend_Form_Exception | for invalid $value |

__unset(string $name) : void
Overloading: access to elements, form groups, and display groups
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |

_addDisplayGroupObject(\Zend_Form_DisplayGroup $group, string | null $name = null) : \Zend_Form
Add a display group object (used with cloning)
Name | Type | Description |
$group | \Zend_Form_DisplayGroup | |
$name | string | null |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

_array_replace_recursive(array $into) : void
This is a helper function until php 5.3 is widespreaded
Name | Type | Description |
$into | array |
- Access
- protected

_attachToArray(mixed $value, string $arrayPath) : array
Converts given arrayPath to an array and attaches given value at the end of it.
Name | Type | Description |
$value | mixed | The value to attach |
$arrayPath | string | Given array path to convert and attach to. |
Type | Description |
array |

_dissolveArrayUnsetKey(array $array, string | null $arrayPath, string $key) : array
Given an array, an optional arrayPath and a key this method dissolves the arrayPath and unsets the key within the array if it exists.
Name | Type | Description |
$array | array | |
$arrayPath | string | null | |
$key | string |
Type | Description |
array |

_dissolveArrayValue(array $value, string $arrayPath) : string
Extract the value by walking the array using given array path.
Name | Type | Description |
$value | array | Array to walk |
$arrayPath | string | Array notation path of the part to extract |
Type | Description |
string |

_getArrayName(string $value) : string
Determine array key name from given value
Name | Type | Description |
$value | string |
Type | Description |
string |

_getDecorator(string $name, null | array $options) : \Zend_Form_Decorator_Interface
Instantiate a decorator based on class name or class name fragment
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string | |
$options | null | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form_Decorator_Interface |

_getErrorMessages() : array
Retrieve optionally translated custom error messages
Type | Description |
array |

_loadDecorator(array $decorator, mixed $name) : \Zend_Form_Decorator_Interface
Lazy-load a decorator
Name | Type | Description |
$decorator | array | Decorator type and options |
$name | mixed | Decorator name or alias |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form_Decorator_Interface |

_setElementsBelongTo(string $name = null) : void
Set array to which elements belong
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string | Element name |

_setIsRendered() : void
When calling renderFormElements or render this method is used to set $_isRendered member to prevent repeatedly merging belongsTo setting

addAttribs(array $attribs) : \Zend_Form
Add multiple form attributes at once
Name | Type | Description |
$attribs | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addDecorator(string | \Zend_Form_Decorator_Interface $decorator, array | \Zend_Config $options = null) : \Zend_Form
Add a decorator for rendering the element
Name | Type | Description |
$decorator | string | \Zend_Form_Decorator_Interface | |
$options | array | \Zend_Config | Options with which to initialize decorator |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addDecorators(array $decorators) : \Zend_Form
Add many decorators at once
Name | Type | Description |
$decorators | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addDisplayGroup(array $elements, string $name, array | \Zend_Config $options = null) : \Zend_Form
Add a display group
Name | Type | Description |
$elements | array | |
$name | string | |
$options | array | \Zend_Config |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |
Exception | Description |
\Zend_Form_Exception | if no valid elements provided |

addDisplayGroupPrefixPath(string $prefix, string $path) : \Zend_Form
Add prefix path for all display groups
Name | Type | Description |
$prefix | string | |
$path | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addDisplayGroupPrefixPaths(array $spec) : \Zend_Form
Add multiple display group prefix paths at once
Name | Type | Description |
$spec | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addDisplayGroups(array $groups) : \Zend_Form
Add multiple display groups at once
Name | Type | Description |
$groups | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addElement(string | \Zend_Form_Element $element, string $name = null, array | \Zend_Config $options = null) : \Zend_Form
Add a new element
Name | Type | Description |
$element | string | \Zend_Form_Element | |
$name | string | |
$options | array | \Zend_Config |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |
Exception | Description |
\Zend_Form_Exception | on invalid element |

addElementPrefixPath(string $prefix, string $path, string $type = null) : \Zend_Form
Add prefix path for all elements
Name | Type | Description |
$prefix | string | |
$path | string | |
$type | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addElementPrefixPaths(array $spec) : \Zend_Form
Add prefix paths for all elements
Name | Type | Description |
$spec | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addElements(array $elements) : \Zend_Form
Add multiple elements at once
Name | Type | Description |
$elements | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addError(string $message) : \Zend_Form
Add an error message and mark element as failed validation
Name | Type | Description |
$message | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addErrorMessage(string $message) : \Zend_Form
Add a custom error message to return in the event of failed validation
Name | Type | Description |
$message | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addErrorMessages(array $messages) : \Zend_Form
Add multiple custom error messages to return in the event of failed validation
Name | Type | Description |
$messages | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addErrors(array $messages) : \Zend_Form
Add multiple error messages and flag element as failed validation
Name | Type | Description |
$messages | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addPrefixPath(string $prefix, string $path, string $type = null) : \Zend_Form
Add prefix path for plugin loader
Name | Type | Description |
$prefix | string | |
$path | string | |
$type | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |
Exception | Description |
\Zend_Form_Exception | for invalid type |

addPrefixPaths(array $spec) : \Zend_Form
Add many prefix paths at once
Name | Type | Description |
$spec | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addSubForm(\Zend_Form $form, string $name, int $order = null) : \Zend_Form
Add a form group/subform
Name | Type | Description |
$form | \Zend_Form | |
$name | string | |
$order | int |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

addSubForms(array $subForms) : \Zend_Form
Add multiple form subForms/subforms at once
Name | Type | Description |
$subForms | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

createElement(string $type, string $name, array | \Zend_Config $options = null) : \Zend_Form_Element
Create an element
Name | Type | Description |
$type | string | |
$name | string | |
$options | array | \Zend_Config |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form_Element |

current() : \Zend_Form_Element | \Zend_Form_DisplayGroup | \Zend_Form
Current element/subform/display group
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form_Element | \Zend_Form_DisplayGroup | \Zend_Form |

filterName(string $value, bool $allowBrackets = false) : string
Filter a name to only allow valid variable characters
Name | Type | Description |
$value | string | |
$allowBrackets | bool |
Type | Description |
string |

getAttrib(string $key) : mixed
Retrieve a single form attribute
Name | Type | Description |
$key | string |
Type | Description |
mixed |

getCustomMessages() : array
Retrieve translated custom error messages Proxies to {@link _getErrorMessages()}.
Type | Description |
array |

getDecorator(string $name) : false | \Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract
Retrieve a registered decorator
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
false | \Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract |

getDefaultDisplayGroupClass() : string
Retrieve default display group class
Type | Description |
string |

getDefaultTranslator() : null | \Zend_Translate
Get global default translator object
Type | Description |
null | \Zend_Translate |

getDisplayGroup(string $name) : \Zend_Form_DisplayGroup | null
Return a display group
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form_DisplayGroup | null |

getElement(string $name) : \Zend_Form_Element | null
Retrieve a single element
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form_Element | null |

getElementsAndSubFormsOrdered() : array
Returns a one dimensional numerical indexed array with the Elements, SubForms and Elements from DisplayGroups as Values.
Type | Description |
array |
- Access
- protected

getElementsBelongTo() : string | null
Get name of array elements belong to
Type | Description |
string | null |

getErrors(string $name = null, $suppressArrayNotation = false) : array
Get error codes for all elements failing validation
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string | |
$suppressArrayNotation |
Type | Description |
array |

getFullyQualifiedName() : string
Get fully qualified name
Type | Description |
string |

getMessages(string $name = null, bool $suppressArrayNotation = false) : array
Retrieve error messages from elements failing validations
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string | |
$suppressArrayNotation | bool |
Type | Description |
array |

getPluginLoader(string $type = null) : \Zend_Loader_PluginLoader_Interface
Retrieve plugin loader for given type
Name | Type | Description |
$type | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Loader_PluginLoader_Interface |

getSubForm(string $name) : \Zend_Form | null
Retrieve a form subForm/subform
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form | null |

getTranslator() : \Zend_Translate | null
Retrieve translator object
Type | Description |
\Zend_Translate | null |

getUnfilteredValue(string $name) : mixed
Get unfiltered element value
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
mixed |

getValidValues(array $data, bool $suppressArrayNotation = false) : array
Returns only the valid values from the given form input.
Name | Type | Description |
$data | array | |
$suppressArrayNotation | bool |
Type | Description |
array |

getValue(string $name) : mixed
Retrieve value for single element
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
mixed |

getValues(bool $suppressArrayNotation = false) : array
Retrieve all form element values
Name | Type | Description |
$suppressArrayNotation | bool |
Type | Description |
array |

getView() : \Zend_View_Interface | null
Retrieve view object
Type | Description |
\Zend_View_Interface | null |

hasDefaultTranslator() : boolean
Is there a default translation object set?
Type | Description |
boolean |

isErrors() : bool
Are there errors in the form?
Type | Description |
bool |
- Deprecated
- since 1.11.1 - use hasErrors() instead

isValid(array $data) : boolean
Validate the form
Name | Type | Description |
$data | array |
Type | Description |
boolean |

isValidPartial(array $data) : boolean
Validate a partial form
Name | Type | Description |
$data | array |
Type | Description |
boolean |

loadDefaultDecoratorsIsDisabled() : bool
Should we load the default decorators?
Type | Description |
bool |

markAsError() : \Zend_Form
Mark the element as being in a failed validation state
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

populate(array $values) : \Zend_Form
Populate form
Name | Type | Description |
$values | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

processAjax(array $data) : string
Process submitted AJAX data
Name | Type | Description |
$data | array |
Type | Description |
string | JSON-encoded boolean true or error messages |

removeAttrib(string $key) : bool
Remove attribute
Name | Type | Description |
$key | string |
Type | Description |
bool |

removeDecorator(string $name) : bool
Remove a single decorator
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
bool |

removeDisplayGroup(string $name) : boolean
Remove a display group by name
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
boolean |

removeElement(string $name) : boolean
Remove element
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
boolean |

removeFromIteration(string $name) : void
Remove an element from iteration
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string | Element/group/form name |

removeSubForm(string $name) : boolean
Remove form subForm/subform
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
boolean |

render(\Zend_View_Interface $view = null) : string
Render form
Name | Type | Description |
$view | \Zend_View_Interface |
Type | Description |
string |

setAction(string $action) : \Zend_Form
Set form action
Name | Type | Description |
$action | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setAttrib(string $key, mixed $value) : \Zend_Form
Set form attribute
Name | Type | Description |
$key | string | |
$value | mixed |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setAttribs(array $attribs) : \Zend_Form
Set multiple form attributes at once
Name | Type | Description |
$attribs | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setConfig(\Zend_Config $config) : \Zend_Form
Set form state from config object
Name | Type | Description |
$config | \Zend_Config |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setDecorators(array $decorators) : \Zend_Form
Overwrite all decorators
Name | Type | Description |
$decorators | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setDefault(string $name, mixed $value) : \Zend_Form
Set default value for an element
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string | |
$value | mixed |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setDefaultDisplayGroupClass(string $class) : \Zend_Form
Set default display group class
Name | Type | Description |
$class | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setDefaultTranslator(\Zend_Translate | \Zend_Translate_Adapter | null $translator = null) : void
Set global default translator object
Name | Type | Description |
$translator | \Zend_Translate | \Zend_Translate_Adapter | null |

setDefaults(array $defaults) : \Zend_Form
Set default values for elements
Name | Type | Description |
$defaults | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setDescription(string $value) : \Zend_Form
Set form description
Name | Type | Description |
$value | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setDisableLoadDefaultDecorators(bool $flag) : \Zend_Form
Set flag to disable loading default decorators
Name | Type | Description |
$flag | bool |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setDisableTranslator(bool $flag) : \Zend_Form
Indicate whether or not translation should be disabled
Name | Type | Description |
$flag | bool |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setDisplayGroupDecorators(array $decorators) : \Zend_Form
Set all display group decorators as specified
Name | Type | Description |
$decorators | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setDisplayGroups(array $groups) : \Zend_Form
Add multiple display groups (overwrites)
Name | Type | Description |
$groups | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setElementDecorators(array $decorators, array | null $elements = null, bool $include = true) : \Zend_Form
Set all element decorators as specified
Name | Type | Description |
$decorators | array | |
$elements | array | null | Specific elements to decorate or exclude from decoration |
$include | bool | Whether $elements is an inclusion or exclusion list |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setElementFilters(array $filters) : \Zend_Form
Set all elements' filters
Name | Type | Description |
$filters | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setElements(array $elements) : \Zend_Form
Set form elements (overwrites existing elements)
Name | Type | Description |
$elements | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setElementsBelongTo(string $array) : \Zend_Form
Set name of array elements belong to
Name | Type | Description |
$array | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setEnctype(string $value) : \Zend_Form
Set encoding type
Name | Type | Description |
$value | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setErrorMessages(array $messages) : \Zend_Form
Same as addErrorMessages(), but clears custom error message stack first
Name | Type | Description |
$messages | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setErrors(array $messages) : \Zend_Form
Overwrite any previously set error messages and flag as failed validation
Name | Type | Description |
$messages | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setIsArray(bool $flag) : \Zend_Form
Set flag indicating elements belong to array
Name | Type | Description |
$flag | bool | Value of flag |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setLegend(string $value) : \Zend_Form
Set form legend
Name | Type | Description |
$value | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setMethod(string $method) : \Zend_Form
Set form method
Name | Type | Description |
$method | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |
Exception | Description |
\Zend_Form_Exception |

setName(string $name) : \Zend_Form
Set form name
Name | Type | Description |
$name | string |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setOptions(array $options) : \Zend_Form
Set form state from options array
Name | Type | Description |
$options | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setOrder(int $index) : \Zend_Form
Set form order
Name | Type | Description |
$index | int |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setPluginLoader(\Zend_Loader_PluginLoader_Interface $loader, string $type = null) : \Zend_Form
Set plugin loaders for use with decorators and elements
Name | Type | Description |
$loader | \Zend_Loader_PluginLoader_Interface | |
$type | string | 'decorator' or 'element' |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |
Exception | Description |
\Zend_Form_Exception | on invalid type |

setSubFormDecorators(array $decorators) : \Zend_Form
Set all subform decorators as specified
Name | Type | Description |
$decorators | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setSubForms(array $subForms) : \Zend_Form
Set multiple form subForms/subforms (overwrites)
Name | Type | Description |
$subForms | array |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setTranslator(\Zend_Translate | \Zend_Translate_Adapter | null $translator = null) : \Zend_Form
Set translator object
Name | Type | Description |
$translator | \Zend_Translate | \Zend_Translate_Adapter | null |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |

setView(\Zend_View_Interface $view = null) : \Zend_Form
Set view object
Name | Type | Description |
$view | \Zend_View_Interface |
Type | Description |
\Zend_Form |